Forcing my discipline.

Life is all about change, it’s about discovering.
It’s almost my birthday, and that idea does not phase me one bit. I have no desire to celebrate per-se.. and I’m barely thinking about it. This isn’t my usual plan-in-advance dinner outing and then party afterwards year.
As a matter of fact I have temporarily stopped social smoking, and practically dropped social drinking for the mere reason of practicing resistance. I am almost a month strong, and I did that because I just wanted a cleanse. I figured once I accomplish something to be proud of I can treat myself if I want to, and who knows maybe after that I may not even want to.
I want to prioritize a healthy me but more importantly on a more focused me. I have joined the gym and so far have been consistent and it’s great. I don’t want to be one of those people admiring what others have from afar when I have the means to get it all myself. The body, the success, that overall happiness.
I like where things are going… and with projects under way, the road is looking clearer. Or, at least more exciting. Finally.


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